Building a Brand


I have never been particularly happy with any of our corporate logos. I created one long ago in PowerPoint that reflected one of the core tenets of the product. I then tried to crowd source a logo on-the-cheap and tried to reflect again some of the features of the product.

Several months ago, we started working with an exceptional designer to mock up a ‘feel’ for how the app we are building would look to the user. Felipe was able to take all the ideas I had in my head and nail them down in a design and color scheme that really works for the ‘gamer’ feel we were trying to evoke.

Now that we are closing in on product launch, I felt it was important to get our logo and branding to match the feel of the app design. That has culminated with the new logo above. It conveys everything we want a user to feel as they engage with TheMissionZone. We want you to focus on what you need to do and learn, movement around a physical space, a techy aura, and most importantly gaming. We have tried to walk a delicate line with the gaming aspect. But we have come to the stark realization that in order to “Have Fun” you must embody all the concepts of ‘fun’ and gaming does exactly that. We are all in on being a game that happens to let you both learn and play at the same time.

I’m very happy with the new logo. You should start seeing it appear in many of the things we are building and sharing with the world.

Get Smarter. Have Fun. TheMissionZone

Plot Matters


For many of us, playing Dungeons and Dragons was an important part of being a kid.  I admit, it wasn’t a particularly exciting activity in and of itself.  What made it fun was the story lines we invented, the adventures we concocted, the quests we pursued.  Without the story, without plot, we would have just been sitting around and rolling multi-sided dice.  A good Dungeon Master was the key to an exciting night of questing with your friends.

At TheMissionZone, we know that plot matters. An immersive experience is only as exciting as the plot line you immerse yourself into.  That’s what makes the experience exciting.  We employ a comprehensive 3 step review process insure that all of our missions have an intricate and original plot line.  We want all of our Agents to have a memorable mission experience.  Just like those great nights of playing D&D, you should want to tell your friends about the great time you had completing a Mission.  And as a bonus, you learned something useful! 

That part is the key.  Many corporate training lessons already have scenario based plot lines.  "Sally discovers that one of her co-workers has started to..."  Yes it's a story...but that story doesn't have to be boring!  We believe that an interesting plot line not only helps keep your attention to help you learn, but it also makes the experience fun.   Getting Smarter, while Having Fun.

Within the next month we will launch a program to certify people to build missions on our platform.  We call these extraordinarily creative people “Architects.”   Architects will facilitate a community driven approach to building missions.  Architects will also have the ability to share in the revenue generated as Agents try to complete their missions.  The first 20 applications we receive will be part of an accelerated certification process.  If you believe that you have the creativity to be one the first Architects we approve on the platform, please submit your name below and we will get you started on the certification process.  If you know someone bitten with that creative bug, please tell them about this exciting opportunity!

Atoms Are Better



I have to believe that, you know we’re here in 2018, it’s much cheaper and easier to move bits around than it is atoms...

It strikes me that something like VR or AR or even video conferencing (on the path to that) has to be a more likely part of the solution than just building a ton of infrastructure.  

                                   - Mark Zuckerburg.  Recode:Decode podcast 7/18/18

We agree with Mark, for now.  But in the future, should we accept that moving atoms will always be more expensive than bits?   If that axiom doesn’t hold, should everyone be investing so heavily in VR?

Let’s leave aside that Mark really should have said “photons” instead of “bits”, that is a small detail.  It has long been accepted that a “virtual” world is one presented through some sort of device that sits on your head and shoots photons into your eyeballs, movement is secondary.  There are some companies like The Void that are taking it one step further and allowing you to physically walk around a space with a VR device on your head.  That stuff seems really cool.

But think for a second about two of the most popular references for the completely immersive experience of a virtual world... 

1) The Matrix.  All I have to say is, does anyone REALLY want a computer plug in your skull directly interfacing with their brain?  Yes, this a concept whose day may come to pass, but I can’t see it anytime in the next 50 years.

2) The Star Trek Holodeck.  You use your own eyes and body.  Nothing sits on your head.  It seems real because your actions are real and you ‘see’ things as real.

I’ve been a Trekkie for a long time.  That’s the future for me.  I want to move in a space and feel the space around me.  I want the space to change based on the plot line of the experience I requested.  The visual part is only one of my senses to engage.  There are companies like Looking Glass Factory, that are building real holographic image generators.  Once these become life sized and are paired with the Manipulated Reality platform that we are building at TheMissionZone...the Holodeck will be real!

Stay tuned for some awesomeness in the future.  We think there is a lot of short-termism in the AR/VR space right now.  Moving atoms and Manipulating Reality will be way cooler in the future.


No Shooting


I don’t believe that shooting games are the sole cause of a child developing violent tendencies.  But I do think that they play a contributing factor.  Without proper parental guidance, I think it is entirely reasonable to conclude that there are direct correlations.

Shooting games are easy to make.  Between killing zombies and aliens, there are plenty of genres that make it seem less ‘real’.  Creating that plot, is not hard.

Making an action game that simulates the excitement and challenge of a first person shooter game without the violence, is hard.  But “hard is not hopeless.” *  Just because something is hard, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make an effort to take on the challenge.

At TheMissionZone, we believe that a reality based game can produce the same dopamine rush from completing tasks, without violence.  But we also believe that physically moving and challenging the body can produce an adrenaline rush, not achieved from sitting and playing a digital game.  Further, the challenge of completing a covert mission, challenges the brain in ways unattainable by an adrenaline sport like an obstacle course or a video game .  Non-kinetic missions require more focus, attention and concentration than just point-and-shoot games or rock-climbing.  TheMissionZone will combine these experiences in new ways.   

We intend to prove this concept and build a game platform that delivers this capability as part of our core experiential learning programs.  People CAN learn while having fun.  And having fun playing a game, can be more than just mindlessly shooting ‘bad guys.  It’s a brave new world.


* Gen David Petraeus

Three Reasons to Use Templates



Here at TheMissionZone HQ we have been building walls. On The New Yankee Workshop Norm Abrams was always building a jig for some repetitive task like making dove tail joints for cabinet drawers. When you do something over and over, you want them to all look the same.  You want the same quality.  You want speed and efficiency.

We do too.  So we built a wall-jig.

That got us to thinking about using templates (the business version of a "jig") and when it is appropriate. We use them quite often.  But sometimes they are over-used.  There are times when individuality is needed.  When the cookie cutter approach makes something feel cheap.  So we created this guide on when to use a template: 

1) When the result needs to be identical each time. This can be physical as our patterns show above.  But also documents like contracts or form letters all need to look consistent for branding purposes. Templates are great.

2) When you know you want something to look individual, but the underpinnings have consistency between multiple versions.  A great example is coding web pages or app screens.  CSS allows the same look and feel of the colors and layouts.  But you can take this a step further by having buttons and lines and image spacing all be the same from page to page.  By copying from a template, you drastically shrink the time to create consistency, but make individual changes to each item easy. Powerpoint style guides and Excel templates also fit the mold for this kind of re-use.  These are different from a form letter, because PPT and XL intend to introduce new concepts that require uniqueness.

3) Sometimes you want to leverage a concept that is not the primary focus, but you use it as a starting point to create the final results.  This is a template that you re-use almost as a tool for building something else.  An encryption algorithm is a template used to build a private and public key.  No one cares about the math, as long as we have a key.

At TheMissionZone, we like this last concept as a tool to help companies build content.  As we create Missions for teaching people about a company-specific concept, the important part is the concept, not the Mission story line used to teach it. You can re-use someone else's creativity and insert your content to build a creative story, with your company's terminology.  The story is a byproduct, but since it is hard to be creative, this part requires much more effort.  Thus the use of story templates.

We liken this to the old Mad-Libs.  You fill in the blanks with your own words and the Mad-Lib creates a story from that template.  It's usually more entertaining then you thought possible when plugging in your answers.

TheMissionZone is creating these fill-in-the-blank templates to help you build engaging stories around your training materials to teach them with more excitement and creativity.  We can't always be creative, but there are ways to leverage someone else's creativity for your lessons.  We will be introducing a suite of these products very soon.  Stay tuned.

Templates can be over-used.  We have all been in meetings and said, "Haven't I seen these slides somewhere before?"  Don't just copy, that's not using the source as a template.  But rather, use the original as a guide or as a tool for something new.  Templates aren't a replacement for your content, but that doesn't mean they can't help your content look smarter and more interesting. 


Learning vs Teaching

Learning is the process of

  1. Paying attention,
  2. Absorbing information,
  3. Storing that information for the long-term, and
  4. Recalling it when necessary

(Srini Pillay, M.D.). 

Often we mistake this with teaching, which is the process of imparting knowledge and providing information through instruction.  (Ian McRae)  I would argue that implicit in the act of teaching is ensuring that the student understands the information presented.  Certainly, competent teachers do this.  

Checking the box on teaching, does not automatically mean that the knowledge presented is learned by the student.  Teaching occupies only steps 1 and 2 above.  New technologies and apps do a good job at improving these 2 steps,  Sometimes they are able to touch on making step 3 more effective, but that is not always the case.

What has shown to improve the process of remembering and building the problem solving skills necessary for recollection at the appropriate time, is experiential learning.  The act of experiencing a situation and moving through our environment to solve a challenge, makes that memory sticky.  The student employs all senses as part of the memory.  In addition, the simulation of using that knowledge in life, provides context for the memory.

Example - One could teach that gravity is represented by 32 feet/sec/sec and that force = mass x velocity.  Those are nice formulas.  A teacher could present that in a classroom and students could memorize it.  But for how long?  Are those formulas particularly memorable?

But imagine if those lessons were taught as part of the objective of assigning a student the mission of shooting a softball at the target of a dunk tank to sink his boss sitting over a tub of ice water.  The student has 1 shot to get the calculations correct and calibrate an air cannon to aim at the target.  Do you think that student might be hyper-accurate with his calculations?  Do you think he would remember those formulas 3 months later if a similar objective presented itself?

Knowledge needs context (a story) for it to be memorable.  And students need creative real-life experiential challenges as part of developing problem solving skills to use that knowledge.  This applies for any student.  At TheMissionZone, we aim to make possible real-life experiences that leverage knowledge.  When you layer an experience on top of teaching, you get really deep learning.  People can truly get smarter.  If it works, maybe your boss would get in that dunk tank.  Super Fun!